Beekeeper's Gold - Honeycomb
The biggest reason bees use comb is for storage – for honey, pollen, and the place where the queen lays her eggs, and the bees raise...
Know your beekeeper.
Years ago billionaire Warren Buffet gave some good advice - "if you don't know jewelry, know your jeweler." The same can be said for...

Keys to buying a nuc
A nuc is a small colony consisting of a laying queen, several frames of brood in all stages and some food resources. Although the...

Inspecting your hives in the winter
It is important to monitor your hives during the winter. There are important things that you need to check during your inspection.: 1. ...

Is my queen failing?
As fall approaches it is important to evaluate the performance of your queen. With a dwindling supply of natural pollen, a queen will...

Spring is almost here
As winter slowly winds down and longer days with warmer temperatures approach, it is time to think about our bees that are beginning to...

Oxalic acid with honey supers
The USDA has recently issued guidance expanding the use of oxalic acid for treatment of varroa mites in beehives. A determination has...

Should My Queen Be Marked?
Marking the queen means placing a small color spot using some form of paint on the thorax of the queen. In a colony with thousands of...

History of the Beehive
The first record of Beekeeping dates back many centuries. The first beekeepers were more foragers than keepers. Their interest was in...